
We concealed our love and suppressed our yearning,

كتمنا الهوى وكففنا الحنينا

1. We concealed our love and suppressed our yearning,
So no impetuous one met what we met.

١. كَتَمْنا الهَوى وكَفَفْنا الحَنينا
فلَمْ يَلْقَ ذُو صَبوَةٍ ما لقِينا

2. While you spread the secret of love
Sometimes northwards, other times southwards.

٢. وأنْتُمْ تَبُثّونَ سِرَّ الغَرا
مِ طَوْراً شِمالاً وطَوْراً يَمينا

3. And when you called out with pleasure -
Why did tears not remain a guarded secret?

٣. ولما تَنادَيْتُمُ بالرّحي
لِ لَمْ يَتْرُكِ الدّمْعُ سِراً مَصونا

4. And how can we attempt to conceal it
When tears have moistened the eyelids?

٤. وكيف نُحاوِلُ كِتْمانَهُ
وقد أخْضَلَ العَبَراتُ الجُفونا

5. You trusted our hearts with the secret -
Why then did you not blame the eyes for it?

٥. أَمِنْتُمْ على السِّرِّ مِنا القُلوبَ
فهَلاّ اتّهَمْتُم عليهِ العُيونا

6. And from what the camels uttered on the day of departure
My female companions blended with a herd of young she-camels.

٦. وممّا أذاعَتْهُ يومَ العُذَيْبِ
مَهارى بسِرْبِ عَذارى حُدِينا

7. Fair companions brought forth by the resting place,
Dazzling with brightness and fruitful with branches.

٧. أوانِسُ أبرَزَهُنَّ النّوى
فلاحَتْ بُدوراً وماسَتْ غُصونا

8. They stretched to us from the howdahs songs
And lowered over the sights their bashful eyes.

٨. ومدّتْ إلينا منَ الخِدْرِ غِيداً
وأغْضَتْ على النّظَرِ الشَّزْرِ عِينا

9. I yearn for her, and without her
The riding camels reckon the distances between us.

٩. أحِنُّ إلَيها ومِنْ دُونِها
تَعُدُّ الرّكائِبُ بِيناً فَبينا

10. Where is Iraq compared to the two encampments -
Even if my tears make an eyelid flood?

١٠. وأيْنَ العِراقُ منَ الأخشَبَيْنِ
وإنْ أعْمَلَ الصَّبُّ طَرْفاً شَفونا

11. By your lives, O you two guides,
Stop, and regarding what I suffer, weep.

١١. بعَيْشِكُما أيُّها الحادِيانِ
قِفا وعلى ما أعاني أَعِينا

12. For the camels saw in the valley
Covenants from the family of Saʿda in decay.

١٢. فإنّ المَطايا رأَتْ بالعَقيقِ
مَعاهِدَ منْ آلِ سُعْدى بَلينا

13. Their glances pour down tears
And their breaths light up the kindling.

١٣. فأحْداقُهُنَّ تَرُشُّ الدّموعَ
وأنْفاسُهُنَّ تَقُدُّ الوَضينا

14. The mirage relates, when it is disturbed,
Their complaints - the sea roars with ships.

١٤. ويَحْكي السّرابُ إذا ما زَها
ظَعائِنَها البَحْرَ يزْهو السّفينا

15. A sigh must escape
From the chests of the moaning, lovelorn women.

١٥. ولابُدَّ مِنْ زَفْرَةٍ تَستَطي
رُ مِنْ أرحُلِ الرّازِحاتِ العُهونا

16. The cups of generosity were emptied for us from a noble one,
Who rebelled against love and disobeyed the open deserts.

١٦. سُقِينَ الحَيا الجَوْدَ مِنْ أيْنُقٍ
أطَعْنَ الهَوى وعَصَيْنَ البُرينا

17. O you who blame the withholding one, what has emboldened you,
And why do you cower, weakened and submissive against the fever?

١٧. أرَبْعَ البَخيلَةِ ماذا دَهاكَ
وما للحِمى خاشِعاً مُسْتَكينا

18. Where are the tents that were shaded
By a pleasurable gathering in which I delighted in intimacy?

١٨. فأينَ الخِيامُ التي ظُلِّلَتْ
بسُمْرٍ أُلاحِظُ فيها المَنُونا

19. It was displeasing to me to see her abode
Where doves coo their melodies.

١٩. وقد ساءَني أن أرى دارَها
تَصوغُ الحمائِمُ فيها لُحونا

20. If the passing clouds denied me,
I will not begrudge it my tears.

٢٠. لَئِنْ ضَنّتِ السُّحُبُ الغادِياتُ
فلَسْتُ بدَمْعي عليها ضَنينا

21. As if the showers from its direction
Are the gifts of the Blessed People in this year.

٢١. كأنّ الشّآبيبَ مِنْ صَوْبِهِ
مَواهِبُ خَيْرِ بَني الحَبْرِ فينا

22. I boast to their greatest one, lofty of status,
And clearest of forehead among Quraysh.

٢٢. أغَرُّ لأعظَمِهِمْ هامَةً
وأوْضَحِهِمْ في قُرَيْشٍ جَبينا

23. When the glories of the heir to the two open plains are recounted,
His achievements, he mounted the pavilions.

٢٣. إذا ما انْتَمى عَمَتِ الأبْطَحَيْنِ
مآثِرُهُ وامْتَطَيْنَ الحَجونا

24. That blessed clan, ever since it was founded,
Would never accept other than a descendant of Manaf.

٢٤. وتِلْكَ البَنيّةُ مُذْ أُسِّسَتْ
أبَتْ غَيرَ عَبدِ مَنافٍ قَطينا

25. With it they planted the tent pegs atop the high grounds,
And with it they tied taut the towering tent poles.

٢٥. بِها رَكَزوا السُّمْرَ فوقَ العُلا
وشَدّوا بِها الصّاهِلاتِ الصُّفونا

26. And they launched against the two sons of Yaʿrub
A war that kindles raging fires.

٢٦. وشنّوا على وَلَدَيْ يَعْرُبٍ
غِواراً يُضَرِّمُ حَرْباً زَبُونا

27. The children of Hashim camped in the valley,
In the place of wild beasts protecting their den.

٢٧. وحَلَّ بَنو هاشِمٍ بالبِطاحِ
مَحَلَّ الضّراغِمِ تَحْمي العَرينا

28. Does the enemy desire their condition while the winds
Blow towards them violently?

٢٨. أيَبْغي العِدا شَأْوَهُمْ والرِّياحُ
إذا ما ابْتَدَرْنَ إليهِ وَجينا

29. God refused that the honored ones
Accept a meager offer or wealth of goods.

٢٩. أبى اللهُ أنْ تَقْبَلَ المَكْرُما
تُ عِرْضاً هَزيلاً ومالاً سَمينا

30. And in my possession are commodities
I have entrusted to withstand hard times.

٣٠. وعندي للمُقْتَدي أنْعُمٌ
أمِنْتُ بهِنَّ الزّمانَ الخَؤونا

31. Even if disasters shake me,
I easily cast off the surplus of my cloak.

٣١. وإني وإنْ ضَعْضَعَتْني الخُطوبُ
لأَنْفُضُ عنْ فَضْلِ بُرْدَيَّ هُونا

32. Kindif has learned that I
Obtain the heights of glory purely.

٣٢. وقدْ عَلمَتْ خِندِفٌ أنّني
أكونُ بنَيْلِ المَعالي قَمينا

33. A guest has a right, and ʿAmr of high lineage
Considers rights upon him as debts.

٣٣. وللضّيْفِ حَقٌّ وعَمْرو العُلا
يَعُدُّ الحقوقَ عليهِ دُيونا

34. When the abodes of Hijaz shuddered,
He sufficed his people the trial of that time.

٣٤. ولمّا اقْشَعرَّتْ بطاحُ الحِجازِ
كَفى قَومَهُ أزْمَةَ المَحلِ حينا

35. Before him the blood of the impostors gushed
Onto the flames of fire for the transgressors.

٣٥. وفاضَتْ لدَيْهِ دِماءُ العِشارِ
على شُعَلِ النّارِ للطّارِقينا

36. You are his son, and people dispute
Your two rests - the inconstant clouds.

٣٦. وأنتَ ابْنُهُ والوَرى يَمتَرو
نَ مِنْ راحَتَيْكَ الغَمامَ الهَتونا

37. So you have continued wrapped in the lofty robes,
Spending months and accumulating years.

٣٧. فلا زِلْتَ مُلْتَحِفاً بالعُلا
تُقَضّي الشّهورَ وتَنْضو السّنينا