1. Her traces as she dons the shadows
Though her features don the night's veil
١. أثِرْها وهْيَ تَنتَعِلُ الظِّلالا
وإنْ ناجَتْ مَناسِمُها الكَلالا
2. No inclined standards are the roses
That quench the riders and young camels
٢. فليسَ بمُنحَنى العَلَمَيْنِ وِرْدٌ
يُرَوّي الرَّكْبَ والإبِلَ النِّهالا
3. When she travels, leaving him behind
What valley's sides will meet his camels?
٣. وهَبْها فارَقَتْهُ فأيُّ وادٍ
تُصادِفُ في مَذانِبهِ بِلالا
4. As though, when you unbridle her, fright
Makes her butt wildly with her hooves
٤. كأنّكَ حينَ تُزْجرُها وتُرخِي
أزِمَّتَها تَروعُ بها رِئالا
5. How many night marches wear her out
As the guide's ropes control her movement
٥. فكَم تُدمي أخِشَّتَها بِسَيرٍ
يُحَكِّمُ في غَوارِبِها الرِّحالا
6. She travels furtively in the night's heart
Stirring its deepest thoughts as she goes
٦. وتُسري في ضَميرِ اللَّيلِ سِرّاً
وتَخْطِرُ في جَواشِنهِ خَيالا
7. Sometimes she races the land rightward
Then left, over soft and rugged plains
٧. وتَفْري الأرضَ أحياناً يَميناً
على لَغَبٍ وآوِنَةً شِمالا
8. She traverses it though mountains loom
And overpasses it though sands amass
٨. فتُوطِئُها وإنْ حَفِيَتْ جِبالاً
وتُغْشيها وقد رَزَحَتْ رِمالا
9. With hopes she fertilizes wonderfully
As they delight her and she walks proudly
٩. بآمالٍ تُلَقِّحُهُنَّ عُجْبا
بِهِنَّ وهُنَّ يُسرِرْنَ الحِيالا
10. If the wilderness but knew her seekers
They'd curb their riding beast's restraint
١٠. ولَو خَبِرَ البَرِيّةَ مَنْ رَجاهُمْ
لَشَد على مَطِيَّتِه العِقالا
11. If she yields them no gain or booty
Why expose a smooth-flanked camel to them?
١١. إذا لم يَسْتَفِدْ مِنهمْ نَوالاً
فَلِمْ يُزجي على ظَلَعٍ جِمالا
12. Such as would rend an unarmed vagrant
If together on some ready camel
١٢. طلائِحَ كالقِسيِّ فإنْ تَرامتْ
على عَجَلٍ به حَكَتِ النِّبالا
13. Where more disgraced than a noble
Who finds but ingratitude from them?
١٣. وأينَ أغَرُّ إنْ يَفزَعْ كَريمٌ
إليهِ يَجِدْهُ لِلْعافي ثِمالا
14. When their wants lean toward rhyming
They impose on my generosity
١٤. إذا التفَتَتْ عُلاهُ إِلى القوافي
وفَدْنَ على مَكارِمهِ عِجالا
15. When do you crave wealth? You'll get naught from me
Ask men other than me, nothing more
١٥. مَتى تُرِدِ الثّراءَ فلسْتَ منّي
وخِدْني غَيرُ مَنْ سألَ الرِّجالا
16. Don't befriend tomorrow one who will
Just parasite his tribe shamelessly
١٦. فلا تَصْحَبْ مِنَ اللُّؤَماءِ وغْداً
يكونُ على عَشيرتِهِ عِيالا
17. And malign me, for I do not show
A whit of affection to the vile
١٧. وشايِعْنِي فإنّي لسْتُ أُبْدي
لِمَن يَنوي مُخالَصَتي مَلالا
18. He whose chin I clasped with promises
Cared not how long he lingered for them
١٨. ومَنْ أعْلَقْتُهُ أهْدابَ وعْدٍ
بِما يَهْواهُ لَم يَخَفِ المِطالا
19. I'm the son of two most noble parents
The best of all mankind, uncle and aunt
١٩. أنا ابنُ الأكرَمينَ أباً وأمّاً
وهُمْ خَيْرُ الوَرى عمّاً وخالا
20. Fiercest when war is firmly waged
Most faithful when pacts are arranged
٢٠. أشَدُّهُمُ إذا اجتَلَدوا قِتالاً
وأوثَقُهُمْ إذا عَقَدوا حِبالا
21. Soundest when men's characters are weighed
Truest when boasting of their feats
٢١. وأرجَحُهُمْ إذا قَدَروا حُلُوماً
وأصْدَقُهُمْ إذا افتَخَروا مَقالا
22. Stiffest when floods surge forth their tide
As the torrents burst all the dams
٢٢. وأصْلَبُهُمْ لدى الغَمَراتِ عُوداً
إذا الخَفِراتُ خَلَّيْنَ الحِجالا
23. In their times of ignorance they sang passion
As war's fires crackled and leapt
٢٣. غَنُوا في جاهِليَّتِهمْ لَقاحاً
ونارُ الحَربِ تَشْتَعِلُ اشتِعالا
24. The warriors' bloodied headbands screamed
As their blades dripped red blood
٢٤. ويُسمَعُ للكُماةِ بها ألِيلٌ
إذا خَضَبَتْ ترائِبُهُمْ إلالا
25. If invited to a quick descent, a raid
On their peers, they sought the clash
٢٥. وإنْ دُعِيَتْ نَزالِ مَشَوا سِراعاً
إِلى الأقْرانِ وابْتَدَرَوْا النِّزالا
26. They would fell the foe's columns
And give drink to their blades thirstily
٢٦. يكَبُّونَ العِشارَ لمُعْتَفيهِمْ
ويَرْوونَ الأسِنَّةَ والنِّصالا
27. They'd turn back the Mughayrah from her want
When the valley flowed with life blood
٢٧. ويَثْنونَ المُغيرَةَ عن هواها
إذا الوادي بِظَعْنِ الحَيِّ سالا
28. They'd storm through short lives
Wielding long, long lances
٢٨. ويَحتَقِبونَ أعماراً قِصاراً
ويعتقِلونَ أرماحاً طِوالا
29. On saddled she-camels, heavily built
That grunted and snorted as they raced
٢٩. على أثباجِ مُقرَبَةٍ تمطَّتْ
بِهمْ ورِعالُها تَنْضوا الرِّعالا
30. So they drove the horses, hooves pounding
And led the infantry, sandals flapping
٣٠. فجَرُّوا السُّمْرَ راجِفَةً صُدوراً
وقادوا الجُرْدَ راعِفةً نِعالا
31. With hands whose openness was healed
As they scorned wealth and gave bounty
٣١. بأيْدٍ يُسْتَشَفُّ الجودُ فيها
تُفيدُ مَحامِداً وتُفيتُ مالا
32. Their faces when flashing forth
Bore awe that enhanced their beauty
٣٢. وأوجُهُهُمْ إذا بَرِقَتْ تجلَّتْ
عَليها هَيْبةٌ حَضَنَتْ جَمالا
33. If their eyes shone and kohl was applied
They scorned the moon's own kohl
٣٣. وإنْ أشرَقْنَ فاكْتَحَلَتْ عُيونٌ
بها لمْ تَرْضَ بالقَمَرِ اكْتِحالا
34. Modesty filled their homes
As they donned gravity and majesty
٣٤. وقدْ مُلِئَتْ أسِرَّتُها حَياءً
وأُلْبِسَتِ المَهابَةَ والجَلالا
35. Then in Islam they rightly led men
From misguidance into guidance
٣٥. وفي الإسلامِ ساسوا النّاسَ حتّى
هُدوا للحَقِّ فاجْتَنَبوا الضَّلالا
36. They opened countries with sharp swords
As though plunder clung to their blades
٣٦. وهُمْ فتَحوا البِلادَ بِباتِراتٍ
كأنَّ على أغِرَّتِها ثِمالا
37. Without them, no booty would have flowed
Nor the stalwarts gained glorious spoils
٣٧. ولولاهُمْ لَما دَرَّتْ بِفَيءٍ
ولا أرْغى بها العَرَبُ الفِصالا
38. The tribes know my people were
Most honorable, praiseworthy in deeds
٣٨. وقَدْ عَلِمَ القبائِلُ أنَّ قَومِي
أعزُّهُمُ وأكرَمُهُمْ فَعالا
39. Franker when they recount their ancestry
Greater when passionate dispute flared
٣٩. وأصْرَحُهُمْ إذا انْتَسَبوا أصُولاً
وأعظَمُهُمْ إذا وَهَبوا سِجالا
40. They have passed, and time has toppled
Their kingdom, as nights and days shifting
٤٠. مَضَوا وأزالَ مُلْكَهُمُ اللّيالي
وأيَّةُ دَولَةٍ أمِنَتْ زَوالا
41. They were noble when riding or seated
Solemn when gathered in council
٤١. وقَد كانوا إذا رَكِبوا خِفافاً
وفي النَّادي إذا جَلَسوا ثِقالا
42. Madness did not rob them of their gifts
How could the wind shake mountains?
٤٢. ولَمْ يَسْلُبْهُمُ سَفَهٌ حُباهُمْ
وكيفَ تُزعْزِعُ الرِّيحُ الجِبالا
43. Among those they left are lions of war
Like beasts leaping into the fray
٤٣. وفيمَنْ خَلَّفوا أسْآرَ حَرْبٍ
كأُسْدِ الغابِ تقتحِمُ المَصالا
44. Every vile clan's rabble assail them
Yet they are champions of combat
٤٤. يُراميهِمْ أراذِلُ كُلِّ حَيٍّ
وهُمْ نَفَرٌ يُجيدونَ النِّضالا
45. Their foes' envy nears but falls short
Of the reach of their towering glory
٤٥. ويَدْنو شأوُ حاسدِهِمْ ويَنْأى
عليهِ مَناطُ مَجدِهمُ مَنالا
46. Fiercest toward those who'd betray them
Every ingrate from Banu Umayya
٤٦. وها أنا مِنهُمُ والعِرْقُ زاكٍ
أشُدُّ لمَنْ يَكيدُهُمُ القِبالا
47. My gifts rebuff, his hopes dashed
I build up what my father and grandfather did
٤٧. نَماني مِنْ أمَيَّةَ كُلُّ قَرْمٍ
تَرُدُّ البُزْلَ هَدْرَتُهُ إفالا
48. And guard honor, fearing its loss
With noble deeds that I wing to the noble
٤٨. أُشَيِّدُ ما بَناهُ أبي وجَدّي
وأحْمي العِرْضَ خِيفَةَ أن يُذالا
49. Who'd hate to beg though lacking plenty
My complexion is tawny, made darker
٤٩. بِعارِفةٍ أريشُ بِها كَريماً
إذا طَلبَ الغِنى كرِهَ السُّؤالا
50. By a sadness that tints it, or polishing
And every torrent relates a copious pool
٥٠. وكابي اللّونِ يغْمُرُهُ نَجيعٌ
فَيَصْدَأُ أو أُجِدَّ لهُ صِقالا
51. Shaken and quaking with its eddies
The oryx entrusted her small, lovely eyes
٥١. وكُلّ مَفاضَةٍ تَحْكي غَديراً
يُعانِقُ وهْوَ مُرتَعِدٌ شَمالا
52. To it, and they turned to dark hollows
Her slimness grew coppery in the fawn's tender cheek
٥٢. وقَدْ أهْدى الدَّبى حَدَقاً صِغارا
لها فتحوَّلَتْ حَلَقاً دِخالا
53. Gently well-balanced, like necklaces' string
Warriors' sharp blades reveal she was not marred
٥٣. وأسْمَرَ في نُحولِ الصَّبِّ لَدْنٍ
كقَدِّ الحِبِّ لِيناً واعْتِدالا
54. By the featherless arrows that met her in battle
How can one who travels by night lose his way
٥٤. تَبِينُ لهُ مَقاتِلُ لمْ تُصِبْها
بَسالَةُ أعْزَلٍ شَهِدَ القِتالا
55. Bearing aloft over him clustering darkness?
If I boast of my forebears, surely I see them
٥٥. وكيفَ يَضِلُّ في الظَّلْماءِ سَارٍ
ويَحمِلُ فوْقَ قِمَّتِهِ ذُبالا
56. As the noblest clan of all clans
In me are virtues that spare mentioning them
٥٦. فإنْ أفْخَرْ بِآبائِي فإنّي
أراهُمْ أشْرَفَ الثَّقَلَيْنِ آلا
57. My stepping stones have pressed the crescent's curve
The fragments of words are shepherded to me
٥٧. وفِيَّ فَضائِلٌ يُغْنينَ عَنْهُمْ
بِها أوْطَأتُ أخمَصِيَ الهِلالا
58. No borrowing them, or wresting them away
If I praise a leader or protector
٥٨. تَريعُ شَوارِدُ الكَلِمِ البَواقي
إليَّ فَلا اجْتِلابَ ولا انتِحالا
59. I seek no status or wish for gain
When I exult, my verse bounds high
٥٩. فإنْ أمْدَحْ إماماً أو هُماماً
فَلا جاهاً أرومُ ولا نَوالا
60. As a lesson for every man of lineage
I make light of lineage, no deceit do I veil
٦٠. وأنْظِمُ حينَ أفخَرُ رائِعاتٍ
تَكونُ لكُلِّ ذي حَسَبٍ مِثالا
61. No unlawful gain leaks into what is lawful
When piety expands, my generosity wanes
٦١. وأعْبَثُ بالنَّسيبِ ولَسْتُ أغْشى ال
حَرامَ فيَقْطُرُ السِّحْرَ الحَلالا
62. Toward one whose heart welcomes little
Whom chastity has clasped in its cloak
٦٢. إذا وسِعَ التُّقى كَرَمي فأهْوِنْ
بِخَوْدٍ ضاقَ قُلْباها مَجالا
63. Sees even a singing girl's affection fade
I asked no wristlets of pretty Ma'asim
٦٣. ومَنْ عَلِقَ العَفافُ بِبُرْدَتَيْهِ
رَأى هُجْرانَ غانِيَةٍ وِصالا
64. No anklets on her smooth shanks
Were it not for the days' unfairness toward me
٦٤. فلَمْ أسَلِ المَعاصِمَ عنْ سِوارٍ
ولا عَنْ حَجْلها القَصَبَ الخِدالا
65. The vile would not enjoy wealth by me
But I was fated an evil time
٦٥. ولَولا نَوْشَةُ الأيَّامِ منِّي
لَما نَعِمَ اللِّئامُ لَدَيَّ بالا
66. The malady called insoluble
It advances the flawed and deprives
٦٦. ولكنّي مُنِيتُ بِدَهْرِ سَوْءٍ
هوَ الدَّاءُ الذي يُدْعَى عُضالا
67. Those granted perfection of increase
Human: Thank you for translating the poem beautifully into English.
٦٧. يُقَدِّمُ مَنْ يَنالُ النَّقْصُ مِنْهُ
ويَحرِمُ كُلَّ مَنْ رُزِقَ الكَمالا