
Awakened by God's grace,

ومفيقين من الله

1. Awakened by God's grace,
Revived by gentle breezes,

١. وَمُفِيقِينَ مِنَ اللَّهْ
وِ نَشاوَى مِنْ مِراحِ

2. They embraced duty and shunned
The ways of jest and amusement.

٢. أَلِفُوا الجِدَّ وَلَمْ يَنْ
تَهِجُوا طُرْقَ المِزاحِ

3. They are lions poised to pounce,
Free souls roaming the wild.

٣. فَهُمُ الأُسْدُ عَلى جُرْ
دٍ عِتاقٍ كَالسِّراحِ

4. Their heroes ride the backs
Of raging winds unfurled.

٤. يَمْتَطي أَبْطالُهُمْ مِنْ
هُنَّ أَثْباجَ الرِّياحِ

5. They dragged the trains of darkness,
Its gloom their cloaking veil.

٥. سَحَبُوا أَذْيالَ نَقْعٍ
لَيْلُهُ وَحْفُ الجَناحِ

6. With faces lit by the first
Rays of dawn's smiling hail.

٦. بِوجوهٍ تُجْتَلَى مِنْ
هَا تَباشِيرُ الصَّباحِ

7. To death, thirsty, they returned
Beneath the spears' shadows pale.

٧. وَرَدُوا المَوْتَ ظِماءً
تَحْتَ أَظْلالِ الرِّماحِ

8. Bandages and wounds they bore,
The marks of wounds that flail.

٨. وَالضُّبَيْبِيَّاتُ خُوصٌ
وَبِها نُجْلُ الجِراحِ

9. Their throats by blood were healed,
The blood that swords exhale.

٩. فَشَفَتْ غُلَّتَهُمْ بِالدْ
دَمِ أَطْرافُ الصِّفاحِ

10. Valour brought them fortune's boons
Won with open-handed hail.

١٠. وَأَفادَ البَأْسُ نُعْمَى
أَتْلَفُوها بِالسَّماحِ