
For God the guide of reproach, how ardent it made him

لله حادي الظعن ما أشجاه

1. For God the guide of reproach, how ardent it made him
When the purpose of his determination donned him

١. للَه حادي الظعن ما أشجاه
لما دعا مضنى النوى لبساه

2. For me and for the sighs within his ribs
A blaze kindling, its fuel disasters obscured

٢. لي وللزفرات بين ضلوعه
لهيب تضرم وقدَهُ أمواه

3. The mention of al-‘Uqayq and its inhabitants so it sparked
With the blaze of longing for al-‘Uqayq its hearths

٣. ذكر العقيق وساكنيه فضرمت
بلهيب اشواق العقيق حشاه

4. A land of lightning bolts and was not sated a meadow
Not every censurer of a flashing is sated

٤. شام البروق ولم يسقى نهلة
ما كلّ شائم بارق يسقاه

5. Oh what regrets! They attained the purpose and grew by it
From what he intended of attainment, its purpose grew

٥. يا حسرتا نالوا المنى ونبت به
عما نواه من الوصول نواه

6. O people of Kazima the call of Mutayyam
After the abode and its desolation saddened him

٦. يا أهل كاظمة نداء متيّم
بعدُ الديار وشحطُها أضناه

7. They mounted the horse for the excess sickness of a downpour
In good land its wellness and recovery cured him

٧. رفوا لفرط سقام صب مكمَدٍ
في أرض طيبة برءُهُ وشفاه

8. In kissing the soil of the chosen one’s treaty, if
The purpose was given from its craving a share

٨. في لثم ترب معاهد المختار لو
يعطى المنى مما اشتهاه مناه

9. Oh good land and the abode afar
The meaning has lingered in you, exhausted

٩. يا أرض طيبة والديار قصية
إن المعنى طال فيك عناه

10. The fruit of union in your meadow, fresh
So when can it be attained for the distant, its wing?

١٠. ثمر الوصال بدوح روضك يانع
فمتى يتاح على البعاد جناه

11. The Sa‘ud attained and won the most high, a youth
The steps for the Hashimite’s land prolonged

١١. حاز السعود وفاز بالعليا فتى
طالت لأرض الهاشمي خطاه

12. By God the majesty Ahmad in existence
Unique, for his equal there are no peers

١٢. تاللَه مالجلال أحمد في الورى
ندّ ولا لخلاه أشباه

13. God ennobled the worth of Ahmad in existence
And settled in my name Ali its ascent

١٣. اللَه شرف قدر أحمد في الورى
وأحل في اسمى علي مرقاه

14. How can it equal or come close to in sublimity
The nobility of the most high edifices He built?

١٤. أنى يضاهى أو يداني في العلى
شرف علاء المعلوات بناه

15. So for love of him I hope tomorrow from my Master
Dispelling the anxiety from that which I feared

١٥. فبحبه أرجو غدا من مالكي
كشف المهم من الذي أخشاه

16. For upon him what the clouds poured a greeting
From one whose ardors after him impassioned

١٦. فعليه ما سح الغمام تحية
من ذي شجون بعده أشجاه