
Ahmad's hopes have reached their peak,

بلغت بأحمد أنفس آمالها

1. Ahmad's hopes have reached their peak,
Praising their principles that led to this peak.

١. بلغت بأحمدَ أنفسٌ آمالها
حمدت مبادئها به ومآلها

2. They yearned for him, so they geared up,
And for his love, shortened their time.

٢. تاقت له فتزودت أوجالها
واستصغرت في حبّه آجالها

3. They wore their finest clothes for him,
And their finest clothes became their finest for him.

٣. لبست لما قد شفّها أسمالها
ولباسها أسمالها أسمى لها

4. The winds blow south and north for him,
Thus they lean right and left for him.

٤. تهوى الرياح جنوبها وشمالها
ولذا تميل يمينها وشمالها

5. If the fires of separation kindled their sorrows,
Alas, he compensated for that with his sorrows.

٥. إن ضرّمَت نار البعاد خبالَها
أسفاً فكم منح بذاك خبالها

6. Or if their ways differed in forms,
With hardship, their leanness was worse for them.

٦. أو كان غيرَ سيرُها أشكالها
جهداً فإن نحولها أشكى لها

7. Yearning cut their bones into pieces,
As if prescribing agony for them with his torment.

٧. الشوق قطّع بالنوى أوصالها
فكأنه بعذابها أوصى لها

8. And so the high ambitions, if they missed their love for him,
Would willingly meet disasters for him.

٨. وكذا المعالى إن فتا أهوى لها
يلقى المكارم راضياً أهوالها

9. The light of yearning for the homes shone for them,
Unveiling their grandeur thus for them.

٩. نور التشوق للديار جلا لها
عن حجبها فرأت بذاك جلالها

10. Those landmarks, if they sought their beauty,
Then serve, permitting the barrenness, their beauty.

١٠. تلك المعالم إن خطبت جمالها
فاخدم بأجواز القفار جمالها

11. The crescents of hearts rose for them,
And so they reverently act toward them.

١١. قد أطلعت بسما القلوب هلالها
ولذاك تعملُ نحوها إهلالها

12. O knight of claims, catch up to their heroes,
Do not ascend among them, and commit to defeating them.

١٢. يا فارس الدعوى أدّرك أبطالها
لا تعلُ فيها والتزم إبطالها