
I say to the caravan as they pass through the land of Yathrib

أقول لركب يمموا أرض يثرب

1. I say to the caravan as they pass through the land of Yathrib
Stop, my friends, if you have come to enjoy its meadows

١. أقول لركب يمّموا أرض يثرب
قفوا العيس إن جئتم مغانى ربوعها

2. And call out at these domes and display
With a soul that longs intensely and yearns painfully

٢. ونادوا بهاتيك القباب وعرضوا
بنفس براها طولُ فرط ولوعها

3. The days have become too hard for its people to bear
So the eyelids neglected their duty and the tears flowed

٣. تناءت بها الأيام عن أهل ودها
فأهملت الأجفان وبل دموعها

4. Whenever the voice of the guide sounded from Mash'ar
The fire of yearning blazed between its ribs

٤. إذا ما حدا حادى الرفاق مزمزماً
تضرّم نار الشوق بين ضلوعها

5. How painful is the moan of its yearning!
And the agony of its withering leaves and its humility

٥. فللّه ما أشجى أنينَ حنينها
ورقة بلواها وذل خضوعها

6. It yearns for Najd and longs for Yathrib
And its yearning is only for the dust of its intercessor

٦. تحنّ إل نجد وتشتاق يثرباً
وما شوقُها إلا لترب شفيعها

7. If it set out towards its beloved as it intended
And if help supported it when it set out

٧. فلو نزعت نحو الحبيب بقصدها
وساعدها الإسعاف عند نزوعها

8. The meadow of nearness would bloom after barrenness
And the grass of springtime would grow after drought

٨. لأينع روض القرب بعد أنذباله
وأخضل بعد الجدب عشب ربيعها

9. But the days have judged between them
So its overflowing tears were wasted by its weeping

٩. ولكنها الأيام دانت بينها
فتهمى دموع ضرجت بنجيعها