
O pleasant home, and distance is frightening

يا دار طيبة والبعاد مخيف

1. O pleasant home, and distance is frightening
My patience for being away from home is weak

١. يا دار طيبة والبعاد مخيف
صبرى على بعد الديار ضعيف

2. Who can help me gain some generosity
My circumstances have diverted me from meeting it

٢. من لي بأن أحظى بربع مكارم
صرفت عناني عن لقاه صروف

3. How I complain to my Master of a cutting separation
That runs over my weakness while You are Kind

٣. كم أشتكي مولاي بعداً قاطعاً
يعدو على ضعفى وأنت رؤوف

4. You have diverted me to strive for my wishes
While Your servant is diverted from attaining his goal

٤. صرفت إلى نيل الأماني حلبة
والعبد عن درك المنى مصروف

5. Do not deprive me of attaining what they have attained
For hope in You is where wishes are pinned

٥. لا تحرمني نيل ما قد أدركوا
فعليك مأمول الرجا موقوف

6. They accomplished their resolves while my tears
Are diverted from attaining what procrastination attained

٦. أمضوا عزائمهم وأخر دمعتي
عن درك ما قد أدركوا التسويف

7. How can I catch up with them while You see
That time, O oath of intimacy, is known for betrayal

٧. كيف اللحاق بهم وأنت كما ترى
بالغدر يا حلف الونا معروف

8. They were described with traits of loyalty yet the opposite
You are the one indicated and described

٨. وصفوا بأوصاف الوفا وبضدها
أنت المشار إليه والموصوف

9. They were passionate about exerting effort to attain their wishes
And so they attained while You are passionate for the opposite

٩. شغفوا ببذل الجد في نيل المنى
فسَموا وأنت بضد ذا مشغوف

10. They estimated the future through attaining the present
While its shadow was extended in submission to You

١٠. قدّروا القوادم عن مدى درك الدنا
ولظلها مدت عليك سجوف

11. Until when will You not heed our reproach
And until when will reprimand not benefit

١١. حتى متى لا ترعوى بعتابنا
وغلى متى لا ينفع التعنيف

12. You turned away when You betrayed, being aloof
Yet our affection for You is always kind

١٢. أعرضت عنا إذ غدرت تجافيا
وجنافنا أبداً عليك عطوف

13. So rise to us and stick to our doors
For closeness is safety, and distance is frightening

١٣. فانهض إلينا والتزم أبوابنا
فالقرب أمن والبعاد مخيف