
What is in my heart, even if you abandon me, is none but you

ما في الفؤاد وإن هجرت سواكا

1. What is in my heart, even if you abandon me, is none but you
No, and in my heart there is no passion but you

١. ما في الفؤاد وإن هجرت سواكا
كلا ولا في القلب غير هواكا

2. O one who departed, the longing of the infatuated made him sad with abandonment
Tell me when will pleasure be close for one missing you

٢. يا هاجراً أضنى المتيّم هجرهُ
قل لي متى يدنى الرضا مضناكا

3. For your love's sake, sadness does not leave me
Until I see the full moon of your face again

٣. فوحق حبك لا يفارقني الضنا
حتى أرى متفيئاً بدراكا

4. So abandon me and torture me with distance
For I am captive to your love, not seeking release

٤. فاهجر وعذب بالبعاد حشاشتي
فأسيرُ حبك لا يروم فكاكا

5. My tears shed in sorrow, yearning
For what I missed of attaining the pleasure of your consent

٥. هذى دموعي حسرة تهمى على
ما فاتني من نيل قرب رضاكا

6. O you who are infatuated with your love, celebrate with them
And let your life fade in their dwellings

٦. يا هائما بهواهمُ عرس بهم
ولتفن في عرصاتهم محياكا

7. Perhaps its lights will extinguish with a drink
The flames of burning thirst for you

٧. فعسى أوارك أن يعَلّ بنهلةٍ
تطفى لهيبا من غليل ظماكا

8. O you who have ruined me, taking my passion within my chest
Be gentle with one weakened, unable to withstand movement

٨. يا متلفى وهواه بين جوانحي
رفقاً بمضنى لا يطيق حراكا

9. His claim has let him down, and the might of his ally
So when will you reunite him, that he meets you?

٩. خذلته دعواه وعزّ نصيره
فمتى تجمع شملَهُ لقياكا

10. Have mercy on an ally whose many nights were spent
In the darkness of separation, calling your name

١٠. فارحم حليف مراقد كم بات في
ظلم الدياجي معلنا بنداكا

11. He neglected sleep and shed tears from his eyelids
Wiping his tears in places of your abandonment

١١. هجر المنام وبات يسكب جفنه
سح الدموع بساحتي مغناكا

12. By God, his anxiety is not cured, nor
Is his sadness remedied, but by being close to you

١٢. تاللَه ما يشفى تلهّفهُ ولا
يبرى ضناه غير قرب لقاكا