
This is a spring that has come to you heralding

هذا ربيع قد أتاك مبشرا

1. This is a spring that has come to you heralding
The arrival of a birth of the best one to set foot on earth

١. هذا ربيعٌ قد أتاك مبشرا
بقدوم مولد خير من وطىءَ الثرى

2. Without doubt he is superior in his grace
Among the months like Ahmad among all people

٢. لا شك فيه أنه في فضله
بين الشهور كمثل أحمد في الورى

3. It has come to you blooming among the months of the year
Jubilant, pampered, proud

٣. وافاك يزهو بين أشهُرِ عامه
متهللاً متدللا متبخترا

4. It outshone the months with a prophetic night
Its signs guaranteed it would dazzle

٤. بهر الشهور بليلة نبوية
ضمنت له آياتها أن يبهَرا

5. The era was perfumed with his mention, as if in people's mouths
From remembering him was ambergris musk

٥. أرج الزمان بذكره فكأن في ال
أفواه من ذكراه مسكاً أذفرا

6. In it appears the guiding full moon light
Oh how majestic, eminent, and dangerous it was

٦. فيه تطلع نور بدر هداية
ياما آجل سنا علاه وأخطرا

7. A light God, Lord of the Worlds, deemed its perfection
A must, despite the enemies and divine decree

٧. نورٌ قضى رب الورى تتميمَهُ
حتما على رغم العداة وقدرا

8. An honor for Ahmad has come, exalting him
Inscribed clearly in the verses of the Book

٨. شرفٌ لأحمد قد أتى تعظيمه
بالنص في آي الكتاب مسطَرا

9. Without him the full moons of cycles
Would not have risen, no, nor would dawn have illuminated

٩. لولاه ما طلعت بدور أهلة
كلا ولا صبحٌ أضاء وأسفرا

10. To people he was sent as a witness and bearer of good news
And as a pardoner toward sinners and a warner

١٠. للخلق أرسلَ شاهدا ومبشرا
ومُشفهاً في المذنبين ومنذرا

11. To God be the glory, His pride preceding
In the highest companions though he came late

١١. للَه مجد فخرُهُ متقدّم
في المعلوات وإن أتى متأخرا