
With my heart the fires blaze,

بالقلب يذكى الأوار

1. With my heart the fires blaze,
And there is no rest,

١. بالقلب يذكى الأوار
فلا قرار

2. I set out to the land of my beloved,
Meaning they left,

٢. ركب لأرض الحبيب
عنى ساروا

3. To God the convoy turned,
With my heart the meaning,

٣. للَه ركب تولى
بالقلب عنى

4. It brought my mind into error,
So my eye's tear,

٤. أورث عقلى خبلا
فدمع عيني

5. Flows copiously and abundantly,
Due to my extreme sadness,

٥. ينهل سحا ووبلا
لفرط حزنى

6. I have no patience for it,
The banks of pilgrimage,

٦. مالي عليه اصطبار
شط المزار

7. Bring with it my sorrowful heart,
That convoy,

٧. نأت بقلبي الكئيب
تلك القطار

8. It became clear to me,
That my mind and my judgement,

٨. بانو فبان عنى
عقلي وحسبي

9. Have failed, and by God my hopes,
Oh woe to my soul,

٩. قد خاب واللَه ظني
يا ويح نفسي

10. If my separation from her grows long,
I will visit her burial mound,

١٠. إن طال بعدي وبيني
أزور رمسي

11. The house has made me feel lonely,
And there is no choice,

١١. قد أوحشتني الدار
ولا اختيار

12. Oh house that ignites my flames,
With your pillars,

١٢. يا دار أذكى لهيبي
منك أدكار

13. Either I turn away from the house or it is,
By God it is mighty,

١٣. نأيي عن الدار أو هي
واللَه عظمى

14. Oh guide of slander stop it there,
Relieve my sickness,

١٤. يا حادي الظعن قفها
أبث سقمى

15. About that light ask it,
For my tears gush forth,

١٥. عن ذلك النور سلها
فالدمع يهمى

16. For near it there are moons,
It has mysteries,

١٦. فعندها الأقمار
لها أسرار

17. That the discerning mind grasps,
With what it chooses,

١٧. أومت لفهم اللبيب
بما يختار

18. If my passion and love profit,
Beyond limit,

١٨. ها
إن كان يجدى

19. Oh eye pour down water,
From above my cheek,

١٩. شوقى ووجدى تناهى
لغير حد

20. And incite the embers in my heart,
Where to flee?

٢٠. يا عين سحى مياها
من فوق خدى

21. And the beloved ignited,
Water and fire,

٢١. ولت بقلبي السفار
أين الفرار

22. Who is there for me when my longing has grown?
Heal my fracture,

٢٢. وقدح زند الوجيب
ماء ونار

23. If the brilliant lightning flashed,
With the outpouring of my tears,

٢٣. من لي وقد طال شوقي
بجبر صدعي

24. Love captivated my softness,
And my patience ran out,

٢٤. إن لاح لامع برق
بفيض دمعي

25. The birds provoke me,
And there is no waiting,

٢٥. تملك الحب رقى
فضاق ذرعى

26. Except with poured out tears,
Cascade and downpour,

٢٦. تهيجني الأطيار
ولا انتظار

27. Full moon of Tayba call unto him,
For him are the cycles,

٢٧. إلا بدمع سكيب
له انهمار

28. When will it approach to be seen by us?
The travel to it,

٢٨. بدر بطيبة تعنو
له البدور

29. If an eye turns to the house,
The visitor comes near,

٢٩. متى لمرآه يدنو
بنا المسير

30. A house that has destinies,
Not to mention a house,

٣٠. إن عن للدار عين
دنا المزور

31. Whose glory among abodes,
Is the glory of neighborhood,

٣١. دار لها أقدار
ناهيك دار

32. By God the one who loves it,
Has melted in longing,

٣٢. لعزها في الخطوب
عز الجوار

33. And its attainment cured me,
Of what I did not find from it,

٣٣. للَه من في هواه
قد ذبت شوقا

34. Glory truthfully exalted it,
It ruled softly,

٣٤. وشفني من نواه
ما منه ألقى

35. For the Hashimi dignity and honor,
For him are glad tidings,

٣٥. لعز بجد علاه
ملكت رقا

36. In praising him through ancestry,
Poems are recited,

٣٦. للهاشمي وقار
له بشار

٣٧. في مدحه بالنسيب
تتلى أشعار