
Oh garden of generosity and munificence

يا روضة الجود والسخاء

1. Oh garden of generosity and munificence
Abode of righteousness and affection

١. يا رَوضَةَ الجودِ وَالسَخاءِ
وَمُزنَةَ البِرِّ وَالحِباءِ

2. Your brother has been visited by a friend
Of finer temperament than the breeze

٢. أَخوكَ قَد زارَهُ صَديقٌ
أَرقَ طَبعاً مِنَ الهَواءِ

3. So extend to him a drop of comfort
With a drop of praise

٣. فَاِبذُل لَهُ قَطرَميزَ راحٍ
بِقَطرَميزٍ مِنَ الثَناءِ