1. Oh garden of generosity and munificence
Abode of righteousness and affection
١. يا رَوضَةَ الجودِ وَالسَخاءِ
وَمُزنَةَ البِرِّ وَالحِباءِ
2. Your brother has been visited by a friend
Of finer temperament than the breeze
٢. أَخوكَ قَد زارَهُ صَديقٌ
أَرقَ طَبعاً مِنَ الهَواءِ
3. So extend to him a drop of comfort
With a drop of praise
٣. فَاِبذُل لَهُ قَطرَميزَ راحٍ
بِقَطرَميزٍ مِنَ الثَناءِ