1. His limbs are prone to illness, homelands
His cheek a racecourse for horses of tears
١. صَبٌّ جَوارِحُهُ لِلسَقمِ أَوطانُ
وَخَدُّهُ لِخُيولِ الدَمعِ مَيدانُ
2. A benefactress has lavished blessings on him
Her eyelids rival gazelles' in their beauty
٢. ضَنَّت عَلَيهِ بِنُعماها مُنَّعَمَةٌ
أَجفانُها لِظُبى الأَلحاظِ أَجفانُ
3. Whoever sees him sees an emaciated spectre
His lean face the title page of the book of love
٣. فَمَن رَآهُ رَأى مِن جِسمِهِ شَبَحاً
نُحولُهُ لِكِتابِ الحُبِّ عُنوانُ