
O Abu Nasr, O wonderful in meaning

يا أبا نصر يا بديع المعاني

1. O Abu Nasr, O wonderful in meaning
O beautiful in manners and allurement

١. يا أَبا نَصرٍ يا بَديعِ المَعاني
يا مَليحَ الفُضولِ وَالإِفتِنانِ

2. From whom we gain traits
Never attained by any Christian

٢. وَالَّذي نَستَشِفُّ مِنهُ خِصالاً
ما اِكتَسى قَطُّ مِثلَها نَصراني

3. He whose status takes him out and brings him back
Tired with needs of brethren

٣. وَالَّذي جاهُهُ يَروحُ وَيَغدو
تَعِباً في حَوائِجِ الإِخوانِ

4. I'm inclined to turn a blind eye
To talk of the whimsical, shifty dirham

٤. أَنا مُستَطرِفٌ لِضَربِكَ صَفحاً
عَن حَديثِ المُدَرهِمِ الدَيراني

5. So tell me why it settled you
In distraction or hesitation

٥. فَأَبِن لي عَلامَ ضَجَّعَت فيهِ
أَلِسَهوٍ عَراكَ أَم لِتَوانِ

6. If we found someone who would be a supporter
Skilled in dealing with monks

٦. لَو ظَفِرنا بِمَن يَكونُ نَصيرا
حاذِقاً بِالطَبيحِ لِلرُهبانِ

7. I would have continued in guarding myself
And honored it over jugglers

٧. لَتَمادَيتُ في صِيانَةِ نَفسي
وَلِأَجلَلتُها عَنِ الجُلَّبانِ

8. It’s not your food that bothers you
Even if it were from the foods of Heaven

٨. ما مَحَلُّ الطَعامِ عَتبُكَ فيهِ
لا وَلَو كانَ مِن طَعامِ الجِنانِ