
You increased, O Zaid, in self-importance, so how strange!

ازددت يا زيد من عجب فيا عجب

1. You increased, O Zaid, in self-importance, so how strange!
Reason is overturned when fortunes change and shift.

١. اِزدَدتَ يا زَيدُ مِن عُجبٍ فَيا عَجَبُ
العَقلِ عِندَ اِنقِلابِ الحالِ يَنقَلِبُ

2. And you're not one whose affection is abundant,
Nor do I get a greeting from you, neither friendship nor warmth.

٢. هَذا وَما أَنتَ مِمَّن وُدُّهُ غَدِقٌ
وَلا السَلامُ لي مِنهُ تَقريبٌ وَلا خَبَبُ

3. My view is not to see, in showing affection, a young man
Unless in his breast from his heart of hearts there is warmth.

٣. الرَأيُ أَلّا أَرى في ظَهرِ وُدٍّ فَتىً
إِلذا وَفي صَدرِهِ مِن لُبِّهِ لَبَبُ