
A people, when the darkness cloaks their night

قوم إذا ما النقع أظلم ليله

1. A people, when the darkness cloaks their night
Their faces are as bright moons for it

١. قَومٌ إِذا ما النَقعُ أَظلَمَ لَيلُهُ
كانَت وُجوهُهُم لَهُ أَقمارا

2. They do not refuse a petitioner their aid
As if time itself had wronged them

٢. لا يَعدِلونَ بِرِفدِهِم عَن سائِلٍ
عَدلَ الزَمانِ عَلَيهِمُ أَم جارا

3. So one seeking their help finds glowing coals
And one begging their pardon discovers seas

٣. فَمَنِ اِستَغاثَهُم اِستَغاثَ ضَراغِماً
وَمَن اِستَماحَهُم اِستَماحَ بِحارا

4. And when a cry summons them to battle
They sacrifice themselves and leave behind their lives

٤. وَإِذا الصَريخُ دَعاهُم لِمُلِمَّةٍ
بَذَلوا النُفوسَ وَفارَقوا الأَعمارا