1. Let's have some coffee that was gently brewed
Badr brings it to us on a branch
١. قُم نَصطَبِح قَهوَةً رَقَّت فَلَم تَبِن
يَسعى إِلَينا بِها بَدرٌ عَلى غُصُنِ
2. You see who has perfected their beauty
Yet the best patience with that is not good
٢. ساقٍ تَرى مِنهُ مَن تَمَّت مَحاسِنُهُ
فَأَحسَنُ الصَبرِ عَنهُ لَيسَ بِالحَسَنِ
3. Be content with whatever amount of life you find pleasant
As long as you remain blessed by the heedlessness of time
٣. وَاِنعَم بِمِقدارِ ما تَرضى الحَياةُ بِهِ
ما دُمتَ في نِعمَةٍ مِن غُفلَةِ الزَمَنِ
4. To live in this day of ours carries us easily
So no sadness deserves more sadness
٤. فالعَيشُ في يَومِنا هَذا يَسيرُ بِنا
فَلا يَجوزُ عَلى حَزنٍ مِنَ الحَزَنِ