1. No door of guidance or success
Has God opened that I can see
١. لا فَتَحَ اللَهُ عَلى فَتحِ
بابا مِنَ الرُشدِ أَو النُجحِ
2. For they are the lowest of mankind
Who live for bread and salt, not me
٢. فَإِنَّهُ السِفلَةُ بَينَ الوَرى
أَنساهُمُ لِلخُبزِ وَالمِلحِ
3. The least of what I have endured
From their expectant, grasping hands
٣. أَقَلُّ ما قاسَيتُ مِن مَطلِهِ
أَكثَرُ ما يَبلُغُهُ شَرحي
4. Is more than my patience can bear
God save me from their demands!
٤. فَلا رَعاهُ اللَهُ مِن ساقِطٍ
لا يَعرِفُ الهَجوَ مِنَ المَدحِ