
O you whose face shows traces of his cheerfulness

يا من للقياه نقش من بشاشته

1. O you whose face shows traces of his cheerfulness
And whose words have forms of wit

١. يا مَن لِلُقياهُ نَقشٌ مِن بَشاشَتِهِ
وَمَن لِأَلفاظِهِ طُرزٌ مِنَ المَلَقِ

2. You are the cloud that passes with its rain
Shaking its sides between light and foliage

٢. أَنتَ الغَمامَ الَّذي يَمضي بِوابِلِهِ
يَهُزُّ عَطفَيهِ بَينَ النَورِ وَالوَرَقِ

3. So the hoped for spring of life does not diminish
You have made my valleys overflow from your pouring rain

٣. فَلا تَقَشَّعُ مَرجُوَّ الحَياةِ فَقَد
طَفَّحتَ أَودِيَتي مِن سَيبِكَ الغَدِقِ