
O blissful one who does not know

يا شادنا ليس يدري

1. O blissful one who does not know
Of my misery and afflictions

١. يا شادِناً لَيسَ يَدري
بِشِقوَتي وَبَلائي

2. The love for you wears me down
With the hostility of estrangement

٢. شيعِيُّ حُبِّكَ مُبلىً
بِناصِبِيِّ الجَفاءِ

3. So do not let it overpower me
As long as you remain loyal

٣. فَلا تَمَكَّنهُ مِنّي
مادُمتَ تَحتَ الوَلاءِ

4. It previously took a pledge
From me, the caller of condolences

٤. مِن قَبلِ يَأخُذُ عَهداً
عَلَيَّ داعي العَزاءِ