
And a friend whose joy is in the friend

وصديق سروره بالصديق

1. And a friend whose joy is in the friend
Is like a lover's joy in the beloved

١. وَصَديقٍ سُرورُهُ بِالصَديقِ
كَسرورِ العَشيقِ بِالمَعشوقِ

2. Each day with him my soul takes flight and alights
Between gentle words and refined manners

٢. كُلُّ يَومٍ أَروحُ مِنهُ وَأَغدو
بَينَ لَفظٍ رَطبٍ وَخُلقٍ رَقيقِ

3. An autumn of fidelity beyond compare
A spring of graceful loyalty

٣. وَخَريفٍ مِنَ الوَفاءِ نَضيرٍ
وَرَبيعٍ مِنَ الحِفاظِ أَنيقِ

4. So God has taken his due from my soul
That now takes its due from other souls

٤. فَقَضى اللَهُ حَقَّهُ مِن نَفيسٍ
يَقتَضي نَفسَهُ قَضاءَ الحُقوقِ