1. O one whose hand crumples it with roughness
Bleeding the veins and tearing out the nerves
١. يا مَن مَباضِعُ دَستِهِ بِشَباتِها
تُدمى العَروقَ وَتَخرُجُ الأَعصابا
2. You have overdone your treading in my poems
That if they were really trod by you, you'd be dust
٢. أَكثَرتَ وَطأَكَ في قَصائِدِيَ الَّتي
لَو أَنَّها وَطِئَتكَ صِرتَ تُرابا
3. Though I become a grey-feathered falcon
I'd still prize myself to hunt a crow
٣. إِنّي وَإِن أَصبَحتُ بازاً أَشهُباً
لِأُجِلُّ نَفسي أَن أَصيدَ غُرابا