1. He gave his hand of admiration, making me sing
So he went about following separation
١. أَعطى يَدَ الإِعجابِ مِنهُ غِنانا
فَغَدا بِهِ يَتَتَبَّعُ الهِجرانا
2. A Christian gazelle, gazing for moments
His eyelids have endured eyelids
٢. ظَبيٌ مَسيحِيٌّ ظُبا لَحَظاتِهِ
قَد صَبَّرَت أَجفانِهِ أَجفانا
3. He did not forbid my tears out of harm he did
When his pearls were returned as coral
٣. لَم يَنهَ عَن دَمعي إِساءَةً فَعَلَّهُ
لَمّا أَعادَت دُرَّهُ مَرجانا