1. O brother of the milk-brotherhood of brotherliness
Do not make bitter with betrayal the honey-sweetness of loyalty
١. يا أَخي مِن رِضاعِ ثَديِ الإِخاءِ
لا تُكَدِّرُ بِالغَدرِ صَفوَ الوَفاءِ
2. Now is the time for blame to yield forgiveness
In the far gardens for those gone far
٢. آنَ أَن يُثمِرَ العِتابُ اِغتِفارا
في رِياضِ الأَقصاءِ لِلإِقصاءِ
3. How much do I owe you for estrangement
Required by the gloating of enemies
٣. كَم إِلى كَم عَلَيَّ لِلهَجرِ دَينٌ
تَقتَضيهِ شَماتُةُ الأَعداءِ
4. By what love lies between us now
Unwandered from the harshness of aloofness
٤. بِالَّذي بَينَنا مِنَ الوُدِّ إِلّا
ما تَرَحَّلَت عَن جَموحِ الجَفاءِ