1. Our call is sincere and pure
And our plants are fertile and wholesome
١. أَنداؤُنا يَقَقٌ وَدُرُّ
وَنَباتُنا ميناً وَتِبرُ
2. And the faces of our wines
Are woven by the palm of water, vintage
٢. وَخُمورُنا لِوُجوهِها
مِن نَسجِ كَفِّ الماءِ خَمرُ
3. So enjoy them in an orchard
With a gentle, spreading breeze
٣. فَاِنعَم بِها في رَوضَةٍ
لِنَسيمِها طَيّق وَنَشرُ
4. And we have song in abundance
Independent of musicians' chorus
٤. وَلَنا غِناءٌ في غِنىً
عَن أَن يَكونَ عَلَيهِ زَمرُ
5. Thus the water of your day in it
Of its hours is found fresh and heady
٥. فَرِواءُ يَومِكَ فيهِ مِن
ساعاتِهِ يُلقٌ وَغُرُّ