1. Alas, O men of arts, what excuse is there for my sin
If poetry must have some reproach
١. أَلا يا بَني الآدابِ ما العُذرُ عَن ذَنبي
إِذا لَم يَكُن لِلشِعرِ بُدٌّ مِنَ العَتبِ
2. Because when I composed it and strung the verses together
I praised with it one who was never free from vileness
٢. لِأَنِّيَ لَمّا صُغتُهُ وَنَظَمتُهُ
مَدَحتُ بِهِ مَن ما خَلا قَطُّ مِن سَبّي
3. Abase pimp - to him I addressed my poems
Yet I gained no fertile land from him
٣. خَسيساً مِنَ القَوّادِ قُدتُ قَصائِدي
إِلَيهِ فَما كانَ اِنتِجاعي إِلى خَصبِ
4. I loaded them with all manner of wonders
Of clear gems and moist gold
٤. حَمَلتُ عَلى أَكوارِها كُلَّ مُعجِزٍ
مِنَ الجَوهَرِ الشَفّافِ وَالذَهَبِ الرَطبِ
5. But when they drew near to his understanding they went astray
And I gained from him no spacious lodging
٥. فَلَمّا دَنَت مِن فَهمِهِ ضاعَ وَخدُها
وَما حَصَلَت مِنهُ عَلى مَنزِلٍ رَحبِ
6. I lied about him in that which I brought to him
So I was punished by being deprived of lying
٦. كَذَبتُ عَليهِ في الَّذي جِئتُهُ بِهِ
فَعوقِبتُ بِالحِرمانِ مِن جَهَةِ الكَذِبِ
7. Curse a world that made me need the likes of him
How many lions has it made need dogs!
٧. فَتَبّاً لِدُنيا أَحوَجَتني لِمِثلِهِ
فَكَم أَسَدٍ قَد أَحوَجَتهُ إِلى كَلبِ