1. You danced Abu Ishaq what is not in the story
The morning after a branch leaned on you from the palm tree
١. رَقَصتَ أَبا إِسحاقَ ما لَيسَ في القَصِّ
غَداةَ تَثَنّى مِنكَ غُصنٌ عَلى دَعصِ
2. You came with a rhythm we found it apt
And not every rhythm is without flaw
٢. أَتَيتَ بِإيقاعٍ وَجَدناهُ راجِحاً
وَما كُلُّ إِيقاعٍ يَكونُ بِلا نَقصِ
3. And you brought out from the fold of gesture an excerpt
My eyes averted from it in the beauty of the person
٣. وَأَبرَزتَ مِن خِدرِ الإِشارَةِ مَقطَعاً
تَنَزَّهَ طَرفي مِنهُ في حَسَنِ الشَخصِ
4. So if her skill was not from wizardry
Then we would not have seen from you magic in the dance
٤. فَلَو لَم يَكُن هاروتَها مِن صِناعَةٍ
إِذاً ما رَأَينا مِنكَ سِحراً مِنَ الرَقصِ