
I wasted the silver of his cheek with my reproach

أذهبت فضة خده بعتابي

1. I wasted the silver of his cheek with my reproach,
And scattered the pearls of his tears with my words.

١. أَذهَبتُ فِضَّةَ خَدِّهِ بِعِتابي
وَنَثَرتُ دُرَّ دُموعِهِ بِخِطابي

2. A gazelle - I made its dwelling my heart, so I had
No sense left for hunting any other game before my yearning.

٢. ظَبيٌ جَعَلتُ كِناسَهُ قَلبي فَلَم
أَعقِل لِصَيدِ سِواهُ قَبلَ طِلابي

3. So it swaggered against me, dragging its tail
Between its pride in itself and my admiration.

٣. فَزَها عَلَيَّ وَمَرَّ يَسحَبُ ذَيلَهُ
بَينَ التَكَبُّرِ مِنهُ وَالإِعجابِ

4. So I swore that if I gained possession of his cheek,
I would stud its smoothness with my kisses.

٤. فَحَلَفتُ أَنّي إِن ظَفِرتُ بِخَدِّهِ
لَأُرَصِّعَنَّ مُدامَهُ بِحَبابي