
My joy is the youth's reproach

سروري عتاب الفتى

1. My joy is the youth's reproach
If it comes from me being gentle

١. سُروري عِتابُ الفَتى
إِذا كانَ مِنّي ذَلَل

2. For if I were not dear to him
He would not have done thus

٢. فَلَو لَم أَكُن عِندَهُ
عَزيزاً إِذاً ما فَعَل

3. More delicious than a sip and a kiss
And than attaining hope and wish

٣. أَشهى مِنَ الإِرتِشافِ وَالقُبَلِ
وَمِن بُلوغِ الرَجاءِ وَالأَمَلِ

4. And than a potion stirred by a tipsy one
Bearing a slender waist, grabbing the shoulder

٤. وَمِن عُقارٍ يُديرُها رَشَأٌ
مُحتَمَلُ الخَصرِ مُعتَدي الكَفَلِ

5. Love whose taste is sweet when tasted
Its taster complains not of boredom's bitterness

٥. وُدٌّ حَلا طَعمُهُ فَذائِقُهُ
لا يَتَشَكّى مَرارَةَ المَلَلِ