1. O essence of generosity, whom persistence of an enemy nor procrastination in repaying debt can perturb,
You took pleasure in the garment Allah gave you to wear, so you set about embroidering it with decorations but no dishonor,
١. يا خالِصَ الجودِ يا مَن لا يُبَهرِجُهُ
مَطلُ الغَريمِ وَلا التَسويفُ بِالدَينِ
2. And people see in you no thought of covetousness. So the like of your eye is never devoid of the evil eye.
٢. تَهَنَّ بَزّاً كَساكَ اللَهُ حُلَّتَهُ
فَرُحتَ تَنسُجُها زَيناً بِلا شَينِ
٣. وَلا يَرى الناسُ فِكراً مِنكَ في رَمَدٍ
فَمِثلُ عَينِكِ لا تَخلو مِنَ العَينِ