
I reject camphor from his mouth,

كفرت بالكافور من ثغره

1. I reject camphor from his mouth,
And do not worship musk from his hair.

١. كَفَرتُ بِالكافورِ مِن ثَغرِهِ
وَلا عَبَدتُ المِسكَ مِن شَعرِهِ

2. If I saw in him a resemblance,
Never! Not his pride nor arrogance.

٢. إِن كُنتُ أَبصَرتُ لَهُ مُشبِهاً
في عُجبِهِ كَلّا وَلا كِبرِهِ

3. The essence of the matter, in brief,
Is that I'm captive to his estrangement.

٣. وَجُملَةَ الأَمرِ وَتَفصيلُهُ
أَنّي أَسيرٌ في يَدَي هَجرِهِ

4. So may God relieve my heart that has
Grieved for him from his harm.

٤. فَفَرَّجَ اللَهُ لِقَلبي فَقَد
رَثى لَهُ قَلبِيَ مِن ضُرِّهِ