1. O beloved servant, O beauty of worshipers
O you who hinder the sweetness of sleep
١. يا عَبدُ يا زَينَ العِبادِ
يا مانِعي طيبَ الرُقادِ
2. I have not turned away from you, nor did
your hand loosen the bonds of affection
٢. ما حُلتُ عَنكَ وَلا أَمَر
تُ يَدى تَحُلُّ عُرى الوِدادِ
3. So grant me again your good pleasure
With nothing in it to displease enemies
٣. فَأَعِد عَلَيَّ مِنَ الرِضا
ما فيهِ إِسخاطُ الأَعادي
4. By the right of those enraptured with you
I'll never dislodge your secret from my heart
٤. فَوَحَقِ وَفدِ هَواكَ لا
زَحزَحتُ سِرَّكَ مِن فُؤادي