
And I in the running horses, for one you see,

وإني في الجياد لمن تراه

1. And I in the running horses, for one you see,
Clear of face, his cry gives him light,

١. وَإِنّي في الجِيادِ لمَن تَراهُ
لطَلقُ الوَجهِ غُرَّتَهُ نَداهُ

2. When you race with him, you fall short of him,
Especially when his strides are long,

٢. إِذا جارَيتَهُ قَصَّرتَ عَنهُ
وَلا سِيَّما إِذا طالَت خُطاهُ

3. And how many racers though strong,
Meet no dust from one swifter than they,

٣. وَكَم مِن سابِقٍ قَد بَلَّ لِبداً
فَلَم يَلَق غُباراً مَن عَلاهُ

4. So the course is open before them yet I am not one,
Whose horse's hooves outstretch to the goal.

٤. فَحَلَّ لَهُ الطَريقُ فَلَستُ مِمَّن
تَبَلَّغَهُ حَوافِرَهُ مَداهُ