
I called out to a benefactor, addressing him impertinently:

ومنعم ناديته متعرضا

1. I called out to a benefactor, addressing him impertinently:
"O full moon, how beautiful you are, how radiant!"

١. وَمُنَعَّمٍ نادَيتُهُ مُتَعَرِّضاً
يا بَدرُ ما أَبهاكَ ما أَضواكا

2. He frowned at me and said, "Don't compare me
To something no one but you has suggested."

٢. فَسَطا عَلَيَّ وَقالَ تَجبَهُني بِما
لَم يَبدُ مِن أَحَدٍ إِلَيَّ سِواكا

3. The full moon deserves to be compared to you -
Far be it from my face to be like that!

٣. البَدرُ يَصلُحُ أَن تُشَبِّهُني بِهِ
حاشا لِوَجهِيَ أَن يَكونَ كَذاكا