1. O you who circumambulates the Kaaba of kindness
From you comes the anointed one
١. يا مَن يَطوفُ بِكَعبَةِ ال
إِحسانِ مِنهُ المُستَميحُ
2. If Lazarus lingered, intending our way
Though dead, your Messiah would revive him
٢. إِن ظَلَّ عازَرُ قَصَدنا
مَيتاً فَجَدواكَ المَسيحُ
3. Or if a flood of hardship enveloped us
Then your Noah would call upon you
٣. أَو طافَ طوفانٌ بِنا
مِن عُسرَةٍ فَنَداكَ نوحُ