
My body was not worn down

قد كان جسمي غير منهوك

1. My body was not worn down
And my tears were not shed

١. قَد كانَ جِسمي غَيرَ مَنهوكِ
وَكانَ دَمعي غَيرَ مَسفوكِ

2. Until passion violated me, else
I would not have been broken

٢. حَتّى تَهَتَّكتُ وَلَولا الهَوى
إِذاً لَما كُنتُ بِمَهتوكِ

3. So do not blame a free man who became lost
Since he became enslaved to the enslaved

٣. فَلا تَلُم حُرّاً غَدا حائِراً
مُذ صارَ مَملوكاً لِمَملوكِ