1. And a gazelle of humankind, companionable
Flowing from the soul its course from the self
١. وَظَبيَةٍ مِن ظِباءِ الإِنسِ آنِسَةٍ
تَجري منِ الروحِ مَجراها مِنَ النَفسِ
2. As though its cheek beneath its hair
Were dawn whose light shone from the gloom of night
٢. كَأَنَّما خَدُّها مِن تَحتِ سالِفِها
صُبحٌ بَدا نورُهُ مِن ظُلمَةِ الغَلَسِ
3. It weeps and laughs, if it is turned away or joins
We are thus in grief or joy because of it
٣. تَبكي وَتَضحَكُ إِن صَدَّت وَإِن وَصَلَت
فَنَحنُ في مَأتَمٍ مِنها وَفي عُرُسِ