
My apology and your reproach, one is soft and one is harsh

عذري وعتبك ذا رطب وذا خشن

1. My apology and your reproach, one is soft and one is harsh
So grant me your pardon, may your favors ever last

١. عُذري وَعَتبُكَ ذا رَطبٌ وَذا خَشِنُ
فَاِمنُن بِعَفوِكَ لا زالَت لَكَ المِنَن

2. Let not the garden of consent remain barren
No palms of pleasure in it, nor branch

٢. وَلا تَدَع رَوضَةَ الإِغضاءِ عاطِلَةً
لا دَوحَةٌ لِلرِضا فيها وَلا غُصُنُ

3. And cure with reunion the sickness of estrangement
A sadness has weakened it, melting in its folds

٣. وَداوِ بِالوَصلِ مِن دَواءِ القَلى دَنِفا
قَد شَفَّهُ كَمَدٌ في طَيِّهِ حَزَنُ

4. I admit I have done wrong, so if
You do good, you are the one whose goodness is best

٤. أَنا المُقِرُّ بِأَنّي قَد أَسَأتُ فَإِن
تُحسِن فَأَنتَ الَّذي إِحسانُهُ حَسَنُ