
We have a companion suitable for our likes,

لنا نديم لمثلنا صلحا

1. We have a companion suitable for our likes,
Who gladdens the heart of sorrow when conversing.

١. لَنا نَديمٌ لِمِثلِنا صُلحا
يُفرِحُ قَلبَ الأَسى إِذا اِقتَرَحا

2. Sportiveness has spread its wings and it retracts them,
Now diving, now rising to the surface.

٢. قَد نَشَرَ اللَهوُ فَهوَ يَسحَبُهُ
مُغتَبِقاً تارَةً وَمُصطَبِحا

3. When we propose to him an amusing tale,
The reservoir of his wit brings forth the salt.

٣. إِذا اِقتَرَحنا عَلَيهِ مَضحَكَةً
أَخرَجَ دولابُ حِفظِهِ المُلَحا