1. Do not pay any attention to the caller to decadence,
Nor allow any word of his to pass your ears.
١. لا تُعِر داعِيَ الخَلاعَةِ لَحظا
لا وَلا تَسمَعَنَّهُ مِنكَ لِفظا
2. And if the truth of religion is lost,
Adhere yourself to that which is lost as protection.
٢. وَإِذا ضاعَ لِلدِيانَةِ حَقٌّ
فَاِعتَقِد أَنتَ لِلَّذي ضاعَ حِفظا
3. So when devotion obtains a share from you,
You will obtain a portion of the pardon of the Creator of creation.
٣. فَإِذا النُسكُ نالَ مِنكَ نَصيباً
نِلتُ مِن عَفوِ خالِقِ الخَلقِ حَظا