
We have steeds that we lead by the bridle

لنا أسمار نعقدها علينا

1. We have steeds that we lead by the bridle
And around our homes are the noble horses

١. لَنا أَسمارُ نَعقِدُها عَلَينا
وَحَولَ بُيوتِنا الغُرُّ الجِيادُ

2. People whose generosity is blossoming
And the gardens of their wisdom growing fully

٢. أُناسٌ زَهرُ جودِهِمُ العَطايا
وَنَبَت رِياضُ رَأيِهُمُ السَدادُ

3. When they set out for battle they march
With none but destiny as their provision

٣. إِذا ساروا إِلى الهَيجاءِ ساروا
وَلَيسَ لَهُم سِوى الأَقدارَ زادُ