
They ask what is life, and I replied:

يقولون ما الدنيا فقلت شبيبة

1. They ask what is life, and I replied:
Youth, security, eternal honor and wealth,

١. يَقولونَ ما الدُنيا فَقُلتُ شَبيبَةٌ
وَأَمنٌ وَعِزٌّ دائِمٌ وَثَراءُ

2. Radiant health, with breezes that bring oblivion,
A life of ease, benefit and permanence.

٢. وَعافِيَةٌ زَهراءُ هَبَّ نَسيمُها
وَعَيشٌ رَخِيٌّ نافِعٌ وَبَقاءُ