1. The one who calls me from the yard disturbs me
So I said, a generous horse of pure breed
١. يُنادي مَنِ الساري إِلَيَّ وَمُزعِجي
فَقُلتُ جَوادٌ ذو مَحَلٍّ وَسُؤدَدِ
2. A sword over enemies going to and fro
And a king with a frowning face ever indignant
٢. حُسامٌ عَلى الأَعداءِ ماضٍ غِرارُهُ
وَمَلكٌ لَدى ذي خُلَّةِ المُتَوَدِّدِ
3. I came to you traversing the earth far and wide
Like lightning on a skinny horse I dashed and glided
٣. أَتَيتُكَ أَطوي الأَرضِ شَرقاً وَمَغرباً
عَلى ضامِرِ الأَحشاءِ كَالبَرقِ أَجرَدِ
4. So he said what do you want, I said cheerfulness
That would dispel the worries of every sullen squatter
٤. فَقالَ وَما تَبغي فَقُلتُ مُدامَةٌ
تُشَتِّتُ شَملَ الهَمِّ عَن كُلِّ مُكمَدِ
5. He said yes I have a chalice of generosity
Like the cheeks of the beloved with perfect features
٥. فَقالَ نَعَم عِندي سُلافَةُ كَرمَةٍ
كَوَجنَةِ مَعشوقِ الشَمائِلِ أَغيَدِ
6. And he brought forth a maiden fairer than wishes
Like the rising sun or embers brightly kindled
٦. وَأَبرَزَها عَذراءَ أَحلى مِنَ المَنى
كَشَمسِ الضُحى أَو كَاللَظى المُتَوَقِّدِ
7. When blended it showed bubbles as if they were
A necklace in a bowl of silver finely dappled
٧. إِذا مُزِجَت أَبدَت حَباباً كَأَنَّهُ
مِنَ الدَرِّ طَوقٌ في غِلالَةِ عَسجَدِ
8. I took it in and it was life for a garden
Where the promenaders walked enjoying its riches
٨. قَسِرتُ بِها وَهيَ الحَياةُ لِرَوضَةٍ
تَروحُ عَلَيها الغادِياتِ وَتَغتَدي
9. As if the fresh spring in it were sweet perfumes
Molded from chrysolite on branches of emerald
٩. كَأَنَّ البَهارَ الغَضَّ فيها مَداهِنٌ
مِنَ المتِبرِ صيغَت في غُصونِ زَبَرجَدِ
10. As if the dripping drops and blooms were shedding
Tears of joy over rosy cheeks a-trickling
١٠. كَأَنَّ اِنتِثارَ القَطرِ وَالزَهرُ زاهِرٌ
عَلى الوَردِ دَمعٌ فَوقَ خَدٍّ مُوَرِّدِ
11. Adorned it is with a scatter that shines like gems
Spread over the meadows strewn far and wide
١١. وَتُزهى بِمَنثورٍ يَلوحُ كَجَوهَرٍ
عَلى نَمَطٍ بَينَ الرِياضِ مُبَدَّدِ
12. And its birds sing to entertain the boon companion
Of the melody of lute and flute so well guided
١٢. وَأَطيارُها تُغنى النَديمَ إِذا شَدَت
عَلى الأَيكِ عَن شَدوِ الغَريضِ وَمَعبَدِ
13. Its narcissi amid the daisies rear their heads
Reflecting the gaze of the enamored mild
١٣. وَنَرجِسُها بَينَ الشِقائِقِ شاخِصٌ
يُرَدِّدُ لَحظَ المُستَهامِ المُسَهَّدِ
14. So I kept drawing its life with the ewer
From the lowly world mid the hills in revolt
١٤. فَما زِلتُ بِالإِبريقِ أَقبِضُ روحَها
مِنَ الدَنِّ ما بَينَ الرُبى بِتَمَرُّدِ
15. And drank it until I swayed inebriated
Laid down intoxicated by the singing doves
١٥. وَأَشرَبُها حَتّى اِنثَنَيتُ مُجَدَّلاً
صَريعاً عَلى شَدوِ الحَمامِ المُغَرِّدِ
16. I am the one who lives taking joy as my guide
And turns away from refuting each skeptic derided
١٦. أَنا ذاكَ أُعطي اللَهوَ ما عِشتُ مِقوَدي
وَأَعدَلُ عَن تَفنيدِ كُلِّ مُفَنِّدِ