
Mothers of fruits amidst the meadows stray

أمهات الثمار بين الروابي

1. Mothers of fruits amidst the meadows stray
Wearing their robes of green in disarray

١. أُمَّهاتُ الثِمارِ بَينَ الرَوابي
تائِهاتٌ يَلبَسنَ خُضرَ الثِيابِ

2. While daughters of the vines reveal the beads
That water wove as necklaces of seeds

٢. وَبَناتُ الكُرومِ تُجلى بِما قَد
صاغَهُ الماءُ مِن عُقودِ الحَبابِ

3. For as long as cornflowers their being keep
Clouds strew their musky mists as they weep

٣. فَاِلهُ ما دامَ لِلشَقيقِ خَلوقٌ
تَنثُرُ السُحبُ فيهِ مِسكَ الضَبابِ