
How many a cry have I prolonged

كم نعرة طولتها

1. How many a cry have I prolonged
Between the thirds and the eighths

١. كَم نَعرَةٍ طَوَّلتُها
بَينَ المَثالِثِ وَالمَثاني

2. In a garden like contentment
And an orchard like intimacy

٢. في رَوضَةٍ مِثلَ الرِضا
وَحَديقَةٍ مِثلَ التَداني

3. Until I attained a sweetness
That was more delightful than wishes

٣. حَتّى ظَفِرتُ بِسَكرَةٍ
كانَت أَلَذَّ مِنَ الأَماني