
Dove, you whom I do not remember,

حمام من لست له ذاكرا

1. Dove, you whom I do not remember,
Among the most sorrowful things,

١. حَمّامُ مَن لَستَ لَهُ ذاكِراً
مِن أَجلَبِ الأَشياءِ لِلحُزنِ

2. My good opinion of you led me to it,
And perhaps my opinion surrendered me.

٢. أَدخَلَنيهِ حُسنُ ظَنّي بِهِ
وَرُبَّما أَسلَمَني ظَنّي

3. My advice had surrendered me to what
My mind cannot comprehend,

٣. وَكانَ قَد أَسلَمَني النُصحُ ما
يَعجَزُ عَن إِدراكِهِ ذِهني

4. So I did not find in it any water
To wash my eyelids with.

٤. فَلَم أَجِد فيهِ مِنَ الماءِ ما
أَغسَلَ مِن وَجهي بِهِ جَفني

5. It was as if the carrier of his coffin
Was my enemy, so he sought vengeance on me.

٥. كَأَنَّما صاحِبُ تابوتِهِ
كانَ عَدُوّي فَاِشتَفى مِنّي