1. The sweetness of praise none can know
Save he who has tasted the food of its flow;
١. حَلاوَةُ الحَمدِ لَيسَ يَعرِفُها
مَن لَم يَذُق طَعمَ رَفدِهِ أَحَدُ
2. Would you have your name on all lips and all hearts,
Praise God, and you'll reap praise in plenty and parts.
٢. فَإِن تَكُن تَشتَهي الثَناءَ فَجُد
تَجِد ثَناءً كَأَنَّهُ الشُهدُ
3. For gifts unbesought are gifts doubly sweet -
The pathway to praise is to kneel at God's feet.
٣. فَالشُكرُ ما لا تَنالُهُ بيدٍ
إِن لَم تَنَل عِندَكَ النَوالُ بَدُ