
If your finery has deceived me,

لئن غرني مما تسربلت رنق

1. If your finery has deceived me,
And though I came to you fervent with desire, you rendered me restless,

١. لَئِن غَرَّني مِمّا تَسَربَلتَ رَنَقُ
وَجِئتُكَ مَلهوفاً فَضَجَّعتَ في أَمري

2. For many a road does a man mount with ease,
Only to have it lead him out into the worst hardship,

٢. فَرُبَّ طَريقٍ يَركَبُ المَرءُ سَهلَهُ
فَيَخرُجُهُ مِنها إِلى شَرِّ ما وَعرِ

3. So let not the brother of thirst rejoice at the lightning's flash
Until he sees the rain clouds pour down their gift.

٣. فَلا يَفرَحَن بِالبَرقِ عِندَ وَميضِهِ
أَخو ظَمَإٍ حَتّى يَرى غُرَّةَ القَطرِ