
Ghiyath ibn Jarud in himself

غياث بن جارود في نفسه

1. Ghiyath ibn Jarud in himself
Is lowly and worthless, though in his ambition

١. غِياثُ بنُ جارودَ في نَفسِهِ
دَنِيٌّ وَضيعٌ وَفي هِمَّتِه

2. An old man, always cheerful of mind
And we glean laughter from his jest

٢. شُيَيخٌ نَطيبُ بِهِ دائِماً
وَنَقتَبِسُ الضَحِكَ مِن قَبسَتِه

3. He comes up with poetry like his poetry
Unless it grows long like his beard

٣. يَجيءُ بِشَعرٍ كَشَعرِ اِستِهِ
وَإِلّا كَما طالَ مِن شِعرَتِه

4. And if he were not a fool, he would not
Mention what is not of his making

٤. وَلَو لَم يَكُن أَحَمقاً لَم يَكُن
لَيَذكُرَ ما لَيسَ مِن صَنعَتِه