
Take refuge in solitude, among the gardens and hills,

خذ في الخلاعة والتصابي

1. Take refuge in solitude, among the gardens and hills,
And delight in the companionship of a virtuous maiden

١. خُذ في الخَلاعَةِ وَالتَصابي
بَينَ الحَدائِقِ وَالرَوابي

2. In the dress of solitude, her radiant face shines,
As she modestly drinks from her veil.

٢. وَاِنعَم بِإِبنَةِ كَرمَةٍ
قَد أَخلَقَت ثَوبَ التَصابي

3. The water in her pitcher overflows,
Filling the cups of lovers.

٣. عَذراءَ يَلمَعُ وَجهُها
لِلشَربِ في شَربِ النِقابِ

٤. فَالماءُ في غُدرانِهِ
قَد كَبَّ أَكوابَ الحَبابِ