1. My friend gladdened me when I saw him, and turned me away.
A beloved of mine whom I love, his pleasure I eagerly seek.
١. رَأى وَجدي بِهِ فَزَها وَصَدّا
حَبيبٌ لي أُحِبُّ رِضاهُ جِدّا
2. When his movements gently swayed a branch,
It found him fairer than itself, upright.
٢. إِذا الحَرَكاتُ هَزَّت مِنهُ عِطفاً
رَآهُ الغُصنُ أَحسَنَ مِنهُ قَدّا
3. The murmur of his greeting enthralled me -
With it he bid me his slave, for love of him.
٣. غَريرٌ غَرَّني مِنهُ سَلامٌ
يُسَلِّمُني بِهِ لِهَواهُ عَبدا
4. When the meadow of praise was pleased by him,
With a rain of glances it grew roses in it.
٤. إِذا ما ريضَ رَوضُ الحَمدِ مِنهُ
بِوَبلِ اللَحظِ أَورَدَ فيهِ وَردا